01. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Write the letter of your choice in the
space against the word.
3. 01. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Write the letter of your choice in the
space against the word.
1. ………E……… boring a). extremely wet
2. ………D…….. wondering b). the state of being uninterested
3. ………A…….. soaking c). speaking with the same tone
4. ………B…….. boredom d). being surprised
5. ………C…….. monotone e). not interesting
02. Write THREE ways that the speaker says you can make your presentation boring.
1. Find text.
2.Copy and paste it power point.
3. don't use audience.
03. Explain how you can make your presentation interesting.
s1- Key words on slides.
22- Points of view one by one.
33- make eye contact .
44- Creating question.
55- use media.
66- Get people idea.
04. According to the speaker, what technique can you use to make your audience think and guess
05. How can you check whether your audience can remember what they have learnt from your presentation?
04. According to the speaker, what technique can you use to make your audience think and guess
05. How can you check whether your audience can remember what they have learnt from your presentation? …………….. soaking c). speaking with the same tone
4. …………….. boredom d). being surprised
5. …………….. monotone e). not interesting
02. Write THREE ways that the speaker says you can make your presentation boring.